Transforming Investing with Artificial Intelligence

Founded in 2016, Qraft is on a mission to push the boundaries of investment decision making, using artificial intelligence to provide strategies, security, portfolio, and trading signals to financial institutions around the globe.


Qraft has developed a cutting-edge AI Investment Platform, Alpha Factory, focused on generating alpha through the innovative ideas of researchers, enhanced and optimized by the power of AI. With its systematic and unbiased approach, we offer clients the ability to reduce the risks and costs associated with relying on a small number of experts in financial institutions. 





The Prediction Power of AI


Alpha Factory’s ability to optimize multiple strategies can be seen through the returns of Qraft’s Market Neutral Portfolio.​

Responsive Display
(unit: %) Cumulative return from August 3, 2022, to March 29, 2024. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

AI Market Neutral Portfolio Highlights

Portfolio Built on 0+ Strategies Discovered by AI
Achieved 2+ (Since Inception)
+ (3 month rolling) Sharpe Ratio &
Executed Over 100,000 Trades

Transforming Trading with Crescendo

Crescendo stands as a state-of-the-art model for short-term price prediction, distinguished by a sophisticated AI-driven strategy for decoding the behavior of market participants in real-time while masterfully navigating both the structured and unstructured data at the most granular level.



Alpha Factory


How It Works


Our Alpha Factory is designed around a comprehensive process that includes Data Processing, Strategy Exploration (from strategy discovery to strategy optimization, and portfolio construction/optimization), and Optimal Execution. It is used in a wide range of financial products including ETFs, model portfolios, API solution.​

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Alpha Factory results in various strategies to enhance portfolio performance, focusing not only on predictive power but also incorporating scalability and automation as pivotal attributes. These features ensure adaptability to today's rapidly changing market.​



Media Exposure


Global Spotlight on AI Driven Forecasting





A Pioneer in AI Finance



Financial Institutions worldwide have adopted Qraft’s AI solutions.


AI Powered Model Portfolios and Signals delivered to clients. ​


Of Qraft’s employes are comprised of AI and finance specialists. ​


Get in Touch.